
startup culture blueprint

For any startup to succeed, it’s not just about a great idea or product; it’s about cultivating a strong company culture anchored by a clear vision. This blueprint is your guide to crafting a cohesive, motivating, and forward-looking culture from the outset.

Liz Brown leading a working session on DEI

getting started

Setting the tone


Where You’re Heading

Define It: Your vision is your startup’s ultimate goal, the future state you aspire to. Think about where you want your company to be in 5, 10, or even 20 years.

Illustrate It: Draw or visualize this future. How does it look? Who are your customers? How is your product or service impacting the world?


How You’ll Get There

Core Values: These are your guiding principles. Determine 3-5 core values that will underpin all your company’s decisions and actions.

Behaviors: For each value, list out behaviors that demonstrate it in action. This makes values tangible and actionable?


Establishing authenticity

Communication: Regularly communicate your vision and values to your team, ensuring they remain at the forefront.

Hiring: As you grow, hire people who align with and can further your vision and values.

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